Let your wished come true ( Image courtesy https://unsplash.com/@kfred)

Do You Still Believe In New Year Resolutions? You Should

Prabhu Krishnamoorthy
Random Good Thoughts
2 min readDec 22, 2016


Like most of you, I too cherish the habit of listing down my new year wishes — things I wanted to achieve,places I wanted to visit, classes I planned to join.

As we get older, we started to loose hope on these kind of rituals. Which is understandable, since we continues fail to accomplish things we set out to do last year, it made us hard to restore faith on new resolutions.

But I have one questions to you


Who knows? You may end up learning the skill you always wanted to learn. Finish the novel you started long back.

Writing down resolution and buying a book are similar in some ways. Let me explain why I equate books and resolutions.

There is a high chance we won’t complete a book or not even touch that after purchase. But out of blue we may end completing few book and that one or two books may end up completely changing your life style. similar this writing resolutions may just go to trash can at the end who knows you may end up completing at-least one task. which will have huge impact and flips your life 360*.

So don’t let your self doubt stop you from making your resolution list. Writing down helps you to understand your own feelings much better.

Go Write Yourself.


On side note: Who in their wildest dream thought Donald Trump will become U.S’s 45th president. But it became reality. Like this bad example , let your hopes become true.

