Feeding the Homeless

Prabhu Krishnamoorthy
Random Good Thoughts
1 min readFeb 13, 2017

Last month when I did a polling with my friends on what kind of monthly challenge I should take, many voted for Selfie with strangers challenge and few voted for no-sugar challenge and few voted for “Feed The Homeless” challenge.

  • Selfie with strangers — 25
  • No Sugar — 6
  • Feed The Homeless — 6

Though my mind was with feeding the homeless challenge, to do the justice for votes I took selfie challenge. After finishing my January month challenge I took FTH challenge. Here is the reason why I choose feeding someone everyday for next 30 days.

  1. As someone who can’t even withstand a delay in intake timing by 30 minutes, I can’t even image what its like to be without food for day. (Diet and ritual rituals are totally different ) So I wanted to understand more these people. This way I have reason to look deeper into their life.
  2. A grown up human say “enough” only for very few things. Food is one among them.
  3. 1: 400 trillion. That’s the probability of becoming a human. I don’t want them to die/suffer for FOOD.
  4. I secretly hope, out of 30 at-least one person get some hope on their life and try to come out of their bad situation.
  5. I wanted to teach myself that problem which I face in everyday life is nothing compare to people who con’t event make end’s meet.

Thanks for your time. Will keep you posted about how this challenge went and things I learnt during this 30-day challenge.

