I collect others E-mail id

Prabhu Krishnamoorthy
Random Good Thoughts
2 min readJul 5, 2015

Whenever I see someone inspiring through FB, Twitter, Youtube. Like most others I will check their social presence then like them, follow them and subscribe them. But I just one step further find contact mail id and save it my draft folder.
Sometimes I just want to say thanks for their contribution to the respected field or society or to make a connection so that I can self-proclaim that I know somebody who is So famous.
Instead of writing to them I just allow their address to sleep in my google account.

The thought of not getting a response or my poor communication or sending mail just for the sake of sending stops me from pressing the send button.
Rare occasions I have sent emails but till I get response my heart beat rate will be twice that of normal. Opposite to my belief most people respond. Some even ask me to keep them posted on my growth. But I never replied to them with thanks or on my growth.
Most people think coming out of a closet is always related to sexual issues. But for me coming out is sending mail to the unknown person, publishing a post, updating facebook status.
Most of us wait for the perfect moment to unleash our idea/skill to the world. But it won’t happen. We end up in a never-ending limbo if we choose to perfection.
So when you create something next time don't forget to press the publish button. Because the world needs the special gift only YOU have.

