Thanks for this great photo

Selfi-sh Challenge

Prabhu Krishnamoorthy
Random Good Thoughts
2 min readJan 10, 2017


I am not comfortable with photography. Selfie’s in particular.

Whenever one of my more-than-required enthusiastic friend bring his newly bought DSLR for group pic. I would be the last guy to join the group . And sometimes I try to convince them not to take a groupie, saying we don’t have time for this right now or who got time to view this nonsense once we upload in social media. Sometime I win and sometime I loose.

photo which made huge impact on mankind

Prior to this great photo from Ellen, human’s had the options while taking a group photo.

We would ask a by-passer to take a snap and sometimes one guy from our gang will do the honors. I will try to be that GUY who takes the group photo, to avoid my uncomfortable situation.

All my excuses got diminished when my friends started to embrace this SELFIE phenomenon and I don’t have option to escape from groupie’s.

So while looking out for challenges for my January month 30-day challenge, my obvious choice was to pick “SELFIE ” challenge. This photo challenge not only pushes me out of comfort zone regularly to take selfie but also forces me to share my awkward moments with my friends through this blog/FB/Instagram.

Though taking selfie may sound easier to others, it is not for me. And to make things little harder I added strangers into equation.


From the beginning I had a thought on my back, whether am I doing something challenging or I am just faking these easy tasks as challenges. To solve my internal doubts I reached out to my friends through FB asking them to vote for the best one.

Imposing Democracy

During this voting process, Along with Selfie with strangers I added No Sugar and Feeding Homeless as some other options to vote for. By this way I will not only get more clarity on my selfie challenge and it helps to bring in my friends to be a part of my monthly challenges.

Out of 26 friends, 9 voted for Selfie, 6 for No Sugar and 6 for Feeding Homeless.

And the winner is: SELFIE WITH STRANGER

Successfully I have completed 9 days of my challenge. Will write about how I convinced people to take selfie with me, how many people said NO for a photo and more on the next post.

Thanks for taking your time to read this post and participating in my voting.

