Losing my religion

Anwesh Mohanty
Published in
1 min readApr 20, 2020

Oh Mother, you get told by others,
That I am a sinner,
For having a lover, of another religion.
Some say, love isn’t supposed to be this way.
Others say I’m a whore.

I was in a dream, with them.
And God by my side.
But they hear what they want to say,
See what they want to believe.
For I am evil, the devil by my side.

I wake up gasping,
From another nightmare.
I see the sun shining,
And the real nightmare begins.
A flickering candle, my only light.
In the darkness of mid daytime.

Oh Mother, I believe in you and me.
For one day, we will all be free.
For people, to be together,
With their hearts, beating for each other.
If not today,
It can always be tomorrow.

