My markdown notes system

Nir Dremer
Nir Dremer Journal
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2020

I tried many note apps (the obvious suspects as well as Simplenote, Google Keep, Bear & Dropbox Paper), but I (surprisingly) couldn’t find one that would fit my needs, so I hacked something on top of Alfred.

I wanted to design a solution that has low friction & easy access.

Low friction

Physical notebooks have low friction to start writing: there’s no need to think about folders, filenames, or document titles. Similarly, it’s effortless to review recent notes by merely looking at the previous pages. Surprisingly, I couldn’t find an equivalent digital implementation.

To stop using paper notebooks, I needed to have:

  1. Writing Speed — Writing a note should be one click away, similar to flipping a page in a notebook.
  2. Retrieval Speed — I want to be able to retrieve the information without too much thinking or dependency on the input.
  3. Daily summary — When I’m reaching the end of the day, I would like to view a daily digest.

Easily access

There are certain cases where I would like to have a Canonical note on a certain topic (e.g., my interview questions template, one on one notes with colleagues). For that use-case, I would like to have:

  1. Easy retrieval — Open the running doc with a single command.
  2. Speed — Document should be loaded extremely fast.
  3. Offline support — Ideally the solution should also work when I’m offline.

Introducing Fastnotes

Fastnotes is a simple Alfred workflow that provides 4 simple commands:

  • log — Opens a text editor on a file called ~/Notes/log/
  • new xxx — Open editor on file ~/Notes/live/
  • open xxx — Searches ~/Notes/ for a filename that contains xxx in the filename
  • search yyy — Show all the files that have the string yyy in them

Fastnotes in action

Fastnotes Commands

Once Fastnotes installed, type ` to see all commands.

Start a note

Open a Canonical Notes

My favorite interview questions accessible in few seconds

Workflow & Source

My Setup

  • My favorite Markdown editor is Visual Studio for Mac with few tweaks:
    - Markdown All in One extension
    - Zen Mode (⌘K Z)
    - Auto-save enabled
    - Spell Right spell checker extension
  • Every new note starts with a heading (#). To avoid overthinking and to make it easy to find past meeting notes, the heading is the subject of the meeting (I’m using Fantastical enables me to do it in 3 clicks).
  • For canonical notes, I often add heading with the date, and doing it fast, I’m using Alfred Snippets feature that can add the current date in one click. My favorite layout is {date:medium}.


Fastnotes is fairly simple and includes a few hard coded parameters:

  • My editor of choice for markdown is Visual Studio, and it’s hardcoded in the scripts. You can easily change it to the editor of your choice.
  • ~/Notes is my notes folder. Changing it to any other folder is fairly simple but requires changing both the script as well as workflow settings.
  • all commands start with the `(backtick) prefix.


I would love to hear your feedback and improvement suggestions. Leave a comment or say hi on twitter (My DM is open).



Nir Dremer
Nir Dremer Journal

Building Products @ Stripe, Product Geek & Family Guy