What I’ve learnt from “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success”

Nir Dremer
Nir Dremer Journal
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2017

When I started listening to “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” audiobook I was skeptical. I saw some good reviews but the sentiment on GoodReads was not positive.

I just finished listening to it and I’m happy that I did.

Before reading the book I’ve thought that fixed mindset would be something that only very few people would have. Definitely within the technology/startup space.
Throughout the book I learnt how to assess as see the different flavors of fixed mindset (professional/personal/…), understand that it’s way too common than I thought to begin with and the reasoning behind it became clearer.

I still need to think it through but it definitely makes me think differently about management, interview process as well as parenting.
I might be stating the obvious but Mindset is something that each and every one of us controls. Yes, it’s tougher to change as we get older but it’s definitely doable.

My number #1 priority is to use the learnings from the book to become a better parent. There’re so many opportunities to take a meaningful role in shaping our kids view of the world. Looking at everything from a growth mindset perspective is definitely a big big one.

Yes, like many reviewers have wrote the book is a bit too long due to the many stories it includes. While I personally thought it’s too much I actually consider that a positive thing now that I want to give the book as a present to few fixed mindset people I care for.



Nir Dremer
Nir Dremer Journal

Building Products @ Stripe, Product Geek & Family Guy