9 things to do during the COVID-19 pandemic

Alan Lee
The Daily Netizen


Staying at home and away from COVID-19 isn’t the easiest thing to do. Here’re a list of things that might help you past time faster! For all you know you could come out of this lockdown an awesome chef! In case you’re running out of things to do already, here are 9 activities worth your time:

  1. Complete a new video game
    Getting a new gaming console might be a tad expensive, but surely, it’s a cost-effective way of enjoyment during this less than exciting times. I bought the Nintendo Switch late last year and boy it was a good purchase choice. Reason I bought it was simple, I realized I didn’t have many modes of interactions with my guests whenever I host people over at my place. With the lockdown/isolation/quarantine — it depends on whichever part of the world you’re in — I bought another game, Witcher 3. It’s my first time being introduced to the Witcher Series and the storyline is no doubt the pull factor for me!
  2. Begin a new exercise routine
    it’s inconvenient as we’re no longer able to visit the gym, yoga studio, and fitness centres for now. Let’s not forget that we can perform workout routines right from the comfort of our home. As someone who practices Yoga, I take time each day to focus on my breathing — yes only breathing, not so much on the Yoga poses — I feel it’s important as it helps me clear my head and also acts as a prequel to getting things done for the day. Just getting any yoga mat from Amazon, Lululemon depending on your budget and how much you plan to spend on it should work. As for the fitness videos? Classpass provides free on-demand workout videos. Only time you need to pay is when you opt to stream the live classes.
  3. Learn a new craft — Leathercraft/Jewelry
    Learn woodcraft, make a new leather pouch, a new wristlet etc. I bought an instructional book on leathercraft recently. Probably looking to get down and make leather bracelets or simple leather products!
  4. Read a whole bunch of books
    If you’re a bookworm like me, there’s no better time than now to finish a whole bunch of books! Book delivery taking too long? Maybe a kinder would do the trick now! Getting a kinder changes the way you read and the best part, once you’re done with one book you can purchase another online for a small fee! Think of it as us bookworms playing our part in conserving the environment cutting down less trees etc.
  5. Whip up a FOOD storm in the kitchen
    Fortunately or unfortunately for me, I can’t really cook. The most complex dish I’ve made in my life so far is a salt & pepper steak with asparagus and some mushrooms. That said, going into this pandemic, I hope to become a better cook in the kitchen! Watching some cooking videos will probably come in handy. Learning to bake will rank top on the list as well! Also, making your own salad would prepare you pretty well when you get back to work. Gone are the days where you’ll have to head to the nearest salad store to pick it up. You could just prepare them from the luxury of your kitchen the day before and pack it up for work!
  6. Make a kickass drink in the night and day
    Not suggesting we turn alcoholic here, but learning to make a cocktail could be one of the many great things to do. If alcohol isn’t your favourite drink, an alternative would be to pick up making a great cuppa. Coffee making takes time and skill. Depending on your taste, you could opt for an espresso machine, a v60 for pour over, a normal coffee brewing machine, an aero press and the list goes on. There we go, a drink for the morning, and a drink for the night.
  7. Stargazing/Terrestrial/Galaxy gazing
    One of the many things that I’d pick up as well! The lockdown or lack of people would mean less pollution and quieter skies. Makes looking at the stars and picking up astronomy easier! Never a greater time than now to pick this activity up, especially if falling asleep at night is difficult given there’s so much time to fall asleep in the day due to boredom!
  8. More family time, board games and finishing puzzles
    Heading into self-quarantine is probably the best time to get together with the family, play a couple of board games and finish puzzles together. Time to bring out the most time-consuming board game, or even get a new board game from online. There’s a whole array of board games to choose from. If you get bored, you might even turn to 1000 pieces puzzle or Lego as well.
  9. Binge-watching your favourite series
    This one’s a no-brainer, you’re probably already doing it even without the isolation, quarantine and lockdown. But binge-watching new series or new dramas could help pass time during this period! Not to mention watching a series in another language could help you pick it up as well 😉 !

There you have it, 9 different things you can do to pass time during your isolation, self-quarantine or the lock-down period. There’s no time like now, to do whatever you want!

Hi, I’m Alan. I’m from Singapore. I generally have a curiosity for all things. I enjoy reading, writing, coding and watching comedy movies. I’ve been an academic researcher, a sell-side economics researcher and now doing work in Geospatial data analytics.

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