[#1] The Cottage

Mohit Mamoria
Random Tales
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2016

in a Random Tiny Tale titled Fellowship

Image Courtesy: Flight Hotel

IInside a creaky cottage on the road, at the end of which there was a graveyard, lay an old woman, coughing. There was just one room inside that played the role of the living room, the kitchen, the guest room and the bedroom, depending on what time of the day it was.

“Mother, are you alright?” said the coughing woman’s 7-year old son.

“Jim, I think, I need some water.”

“Yes, mother,” Jim agreed and kept standing besides her broken bed.

The old woman requested again, “Jim… can you fetch me some water, please?”

Jim didn’t move at all. The woman’s coughing worsened. He stood there still. The coughing worsened more and she could barely speak. Jim asked then, “Where did my father go, mother? Why did he leave us? I loved him. More than you, mother.”

The coughing stopped forever. The old eyes stared at the moon through the broken roof of the cottage.

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The story continues:

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