[#1] The Result

Gourrang Agarwal
Random Tales
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2016

in a Random Tiny Tale titled End Of His World

Image Courtesy: Square space

“N“No pressure, bro, you’re gonna do fine” said Vivek. Yeah right, thought Shiv, his head reeling at the thought of failure.

It was that time of the year, when books replaced Playstations, and beer bottles, once a common sight in their apartment, were nowhere to be found. Instead a brand new coffee maker, gifted by his over-caring mother sat ominously in the middle of the table.

It was time for the results.

Shiv, refreshed his screen again and again. “Why the fuck did the institute say 8 PM?” Next to him Vivek was sprawled in his bed, watching TV shows without a care in the world. “It’s just 8:10, give it a few more minutes; it’s not the end of the world, mate”. If only that were true, thought Shiv grimly. As if his words were magic, the screen showed a new announcement. Trembling, Shiv entered his details.

He had failed by 2 marks.

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The story continues:

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