[18/26] Running For The Pancakes

Mohit Mamoria
Random Tales
3 min readApr 20, 2017


This story is part of the A-Z challenge that I’m doing.

Not many people know about my admiration for pancakes. I love them. I love when maple syrup flows over it, and I use my fork and knife to cut a piece, dip in the maple syrup and put it in my mouth to savor the taste. It’s not like I have pancakes day in and day out. I love having them when I’m having them.

There’s a cafe on my way to the gym that serves delicious pancakes but the catch is that it serves them only between 8 am and 11 am — that’s the breakfast timing there. I call it a catch because I’ve tried several times but I could never reach the cafe before 11 am in the morning. Every time I pass in front of the cafe, my tongue remembers the taste the pancake dipped in maple syrup. Yum!

For a couple of weeks now, I’ve been making up my mind to have some pancakes there. I don’t eat anything besides a couple of bananas before my workout. It had to happen after the workout. My workout timings were from 10 am to 11 am in the morning, post which I’d reach my office, work for till midnight-ish, reach home, have salad, read something, play some chess and go to bed by 2 am. Next day, I’d wake up at 8, get hold of work, read something, get ready and leave for the workout by 10 am.

Two days ago, my brother and I decided to have a pancake somehow today. After waking up in the morning today, I skipped reading to save some time. We rushed out of the home by 9 am and we had dumbbells in our hands half an hour later. After working out for an hour, we rushed to the wet area to take a shower. We’re out of the club by 10:45 am. The cafe was ten minutes away. My brother drove like batman driving batmobile — overtaking everyone — and parked the car in front of the cafe by 10:50 am.

The ordering area was on the first floor; we rushed and were at the counters by 10:53 am. Just made it in time!

The attendant behind the counter took our order and asked us to wait for a few minutes while the order gets prepared. Our mouths were watering meanwhile. After weeks of planning, after several failed attempts, we had just placed our order for the pancakes. The next two minutes were the slowest to pass.

The attendant came back and said, “Sir, I’m sorry. We’ve run out of premix. Pancakes won’t be possible today. You might want to order something else.”

Our faces fell. “WHAT!” we exclaimed in unison.

She confirmed, “I’m sorry.”

My brother looked in my eyes and said, “We’ll come back again tomorrow.”

I added, “We’ll come back every day until we get to have the pancakes.”

We went out the door with an agenda on our minds. Tomorrow, we’ll run for the pancakes again. Until we get some.

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