[#2] Lost?

Manvi Bansal
Random Tales
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2016

in a Random Tiny Tale titled Missing Kaira

Image Courtesy: Getty Images

The story begins when She Ran Off:

CCarefully lifting the musty blanket off her aching body, she slid her foot out to feel the floor. Sun rays filtered through small windows near the high roof. Supporting herself on her elbows, she came to her feet. Her body reeled with every movement of her muscle. Her mind danced in circles as she tried to recollect events of the past night. ‘Where am I’ she thought aloud.

She looked around for any hint of familiarity but, she saw only stacks of hay and empty stables. It was an old abandoned barn with no signs of human existence.

She walked towards the door, trying to muffle the click of her shoes on the floor. Who had got her here? Was he the same man she encountered last night?

As she pulled the door-handle to step outside, shock overcame confusion. She stood atop a deserted hill surrounded by a dense forest.

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