[25/26] You’ll Be Amazed!

Mohit Mamoria
Random Tales
3 min readApr 27, 2017


This story is part of the A-Z challenge that I’m doing.

“You’ll be amazed!”

That’s what I want my biography to be called. After all, you really would be amazed. The story goes like this. The year’s 2059 and twenty years ago, I was born on an overpopulated Earth. I remember my parents’ would quarrel almost every night. Both of them knew that it wasn’t either of their mistakes. They made some bets, and unfortunately, they failed.

In the year 2041, my parents gambled and deposited all their life’s earning with a private company who was planning a mission to take humans to hospitable Mars by the year 2050. Overpopulation was the whole Earth’s problem, and several companies promised people to take them to Mars. Everyone was betting all of their savings on one of these enterprises. My parents did too.

Unfortunately, of some thirty odd companies who took the deposits, only one could successfully attempt a mission to Mars but could take only seven people at a time. All others got shut down. It had been nine years since we’ve lost all our money.

“You must not have made me bet all of our money,” my father would say.

“I told you so,” my mother would reply.

“You had to stop me somehow; not just tell me to stop.”

Three years ago, I joined a new program by the United Nations, where the government pays me to attempt dangerous activities. The program was designed to bring down the population of the Earth down and also find human subjects for dangerous science experiments. The failure of space companies made the government create the program. Poor people like me participate in the program to feed their families.

On average, a participant lasts for between a few weeks to a couple of months. I’ve survived for three years. In last three years, I’ve been subjected to a field filled with active mines to allow scientists to calculate the average number of steps it’d take someone to step on a mine. I’ve been subjected to surgery where scientists inserted a device in my brain to experiment if they can create memories in my mind. I’ve been subjected to a dive in the ocean with little oxygen to allow scientists calculate how deep someone could dive on that little oxygen.

I have been subjected to hundreds of such experiments in last three years. And I’ve survived all of them. The family has enough wealth to make a bet on a Mars mission once again.

Tomorrow I am going to another experiment. I’ve been told I’ll be given variable doses of poison so that scientists can calculate what the minimum quantity of poison required to kill a human being is.

As we lay our lives down, science is being written. Like all the other times, I might come back alive from the tomorrow’s experiment too, and like always, you’ll be amazed.

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