[#6] The Endless Journey

Random Tales
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2016

in a Random Tiny Tale titled Fellowship

Image Courtesy: kylegrant

The story begins with The Cottage:

DDarkness surrounded him. How could she detach me from him? Why? Only because I came to know about her secret? A secret that separated her from the beautiful soul she was. A secret that destroyed our life. She has payed for it.

“Oh Jimmy! I will fight with all the darkness, I will come and fill you with the little brightness still left in me.” Jim’s father cried helplessly.

"I can’t wait anymore. I will find him." Jim told himself in a firm voice and started his journey.
Exhausted of walking miles, Jim fainted.

The sunlight woke him up. He saw himself in front of the same cave he visioned in the one-eyed man’s eye. Jim was disappointed not to see his father there, but his flute with a note:

Don’t believe in everything you see, Believe in this because only you and
I know our secret spot. Meet me there.

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The story continues:

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