[#7] Acceptance

Aditi Agarwal
Random Tales
Published in
2 min readSep 18, 2016

in a Random Tiny Tale titled Whisper Me Your Name

Image Courtesy: Pexels

The story begins with The Promotion:

SSomething in his resolve, his burning eyes created a shift inside her consciousness. Here was one person she thought, who was fighting for her. Fighting for her happiness.

Feeling the softness of his hand in hers, she recalled how after the incident she had stopped picking his calls and started ignoring his texts.With tears in her eyes, she remembered how he had stayed in front of her apartment for days just to hear her voice but she never gave him a chance. Her hands touched his soft curls on their own accord as she remembered how three years ago, she left New York and along with it anything and everything that made her feel alive.

But for what?

To be free from the past that still haunts her? Seeing him now, so close to her she realized that even if she tries to forget her past, it will always find her. That maybe past is not something to forget after all.

Maybe, it is something to accept instead.

Together, they stood enveloped in their own void of existence. Siddharth broke through it as he softly whispered her name. Their lips met and with no words needed, one apologized for the time lost while another forgave.

“Sarah!” Sarah’s husband’s voice screamed again ahead of them. They broke apart in a daze as if trying to remember where they were. Sarah turned to his husband and with a resilience which even surprised herself said, “Richard, I am sorry but looks like I want a divorce.”

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Aditi Agarwal
Random Tales

I write because there is nothing else that makes me connect to myself more & be in this moment.