My Thoughts on Apple Watch

Nate Guy
Random Thoughts
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2015


It seems like everyone has an opinion on the upcoming Apple Watch. As a HUGE fan of watches, I figured I would throw in my two cents as well. Here are a few thoughts I have on the Apple Watch.

1. I don’t need it, but I will buy one.

This one I feel is a little bit obvious. We have all survived this long without the Apple Watch. We will not all suddenly die without it. But, with it, we will be able to do more. Just like the smart phone. One thing I do think, is that we will pull our phones out of our pockets less with the Apple Watch.

I am also utterly obsessed with watches. So this watch is a new obsession with me and I am in love with that. I am excited to experience the watch, for many different reasons. I am also excited to see how it evolves over the years, as well as how it is used.

2. The second gen will be better, but I will still get the first gen.

Just like the first iPhone, it was not the best iPhone. They get better obver the years. But, I haven’t found a person who has bought it, that regretted it. It was a nice phone and was nice to have. It brought a full browser to a smart phone, while combining your iPod with your phone. Even thought the Apple Watch doesn’t have a browser, and needs an iPhone to work fully, it will still be an awesome device. Yet, it will be a device that gets better with every new model.

3. It is underestimated.

I have friends who say that Apple is no longer innovative. I find it interesting that “Smart Watches” and “Wearables” were nothing more than a niche hobby, yet did exist, before APple was rumored to be building a watch. Then, seemingly, out of nowhere the “smart watch” and “wearable” craze was born. For a company to be rumord to be building a product, and it spawn a new category within an industry/spawn a new market, that says a lot of said company. I very much respect Apple’s way of doing things, in that they wait until a product is ready to release it. They will never be the first within a category. That is a given. But, they will do it better than most!

For that reason, I think the Apple Watch will be underestimated at launch. We will see a lot of reports and opinions on how it sucks. We will see pieces on what it should do better, what it could have done if, ar just why it is stupid and over priced. We will also see pieces of why it is amazing, why it is a game changer, and how Apple fan boys are drooling over new hardware. I think, that over time, we will see how great this device really is. It will be underestimated and under utilized for a while, then we will all wonder how we lived without it.

No matter your opinion on the upcoming Apple Watch, I can’t wait to buy mine.



Nate Guy
Random Thoughts

Husband, Father, Creator, Builder of things. Trying to make creativity a way of life.