Exploding Truck, by Optimist

Sunday, February 10th, 2013.

Eoin McMillan
Off the cuff.
2 min readFeb 11, 2013


Setting: A canceled lunch leaves our protagonist unexpectedly perusing Valencia St, with plenty of time to spare.

The first thing to notice is how much energy everybody has now that now that the sun is shining. The mood is upbeat, the Valencia St store owners are raking it in and even the hipsters have a spring in their step. Everyone is happy, and who could fault them? San Francisco is so full of people who obviously want to play that they collide with each other throughout the day and magical moments are made as if by happenstance and whimsy.

*Stop. Take a photo.*

The alchemy is simple, really. Deprive us of our warm-and-cozy and we’re that little bit more stand-offish. The chilled bodies,hunchbacked and walking gruffly with their hands in their coat pockets as a vain but earnest attempt to assuage the bristling of their arm-hairs under that heavy coat they’re wearing. Not very appealing, is it?

By contrast, the sun’s rays relax us. They coax a willingness to participate in the perambulatory ritual that is the weekend. Families gather to do nothing-in-particular, except to share each others’ company and perhaps to eat a little more than they should have - followed by dessert. The sun in all it’s glory makes us who we are: a city of neighbourhoods, once again.

We are at our best on days like these, unencumbered by the rational brains that might stop our consumist souls from taking flight. Sudden exclamations like “THAT would perrrrfect in our living room” are de rigueur.

*Checks price tag*

Worth it!”, he chuckles. “Oh really??”, she chides earnestly.And like parables from a punchline they return home victorious, trinket in tow (see photo). Another paycheck misspent in the service of solar celebrations.

