Why Apple will never build a „normal“ car

Thoughts on Apple Car, Part 13

Michael Schmidt
Thoughts on Apple Car


Driving sucks. I feel it every day now.

Car companies like BMW have for decades told us that driving is fun, it is pleasure, and pure joy:

That’s what car companies tell us. They want to sell the „ultimative driving machine“.

But in reality, driving yourself is lame, and people actually don’t like it.

That’s why Apple is not going to do a „normal car“. They want to sell the „ultimate personal experience“. Not the act of driving.

Like with the iPhone, where the experience changed from cumbersome typing on tiny keyboards below monochrome screens to smooth touch scrolling on high-res glass displays, Apple is likely going to do the same with the experience of using a car.

Apple is building an ecosystem of experiences, thightly tied together. You wouldn’t want to get out of the ecosystem. Each part fosters more usage…



Michael Schmidt
Thoughts on Apple Car

Mobility Lead & Creative Director at Virtual Identity w/ 15 years XP on mobility brands in digital, blogging about #strategy, the #ClimateCrisis, and #AppleCar.