»The entire space inside of the car will definitely look completely different.«

Thoughts on Apple Car, Part 84

Michael Schmidt
Thoughts on Apple Car
2 min readAug 27, 2017


„Cars are the last place on the planet, besides maybe your room in your flat, where you can be on your own. Maybe you simply you want to do something different in your car, such as relax, communicate, talk, dream or think.“

This is what Sven Schuwirth, former vice president of brand strategy and digital business at Audi, told Dezeen founder Marcus Fairs in 2015:

Schuwirth is right that the inside of future cars will make all the difference – not the outside, like today. Surprisingly though, Audi does not yet execute this thinking into tangible products. No legacy carmaker will. Schuwirth has been released from work at his own request this year.

Fairs collected some great quotes on self-driving cars over time, another one from McLaren chief designer Robert Melville:

„If we can have a car that can truly change its character from the city to the country road to the track, McLaren will still be relevant in the future, if cars become autonomous and if that starts becoming a law.“

„Maybe you’re autonomous in the city and as you come out into the countryside the car changes,“ Melville said. „But the McLaren is not just changing its software setting; it’s changing its geometry and its functionality.“

That’s great radical thinking.

If you consequently further draw the line of autonomous cars‘ implications, you’ll end up with such a vision.

Fairs correctly refers to BMW‘s Gina concept of 2006, which tried to conceive a similar idea. The designer of that vehicle is now with Apple.



Michael Schmidt
Thoughts on Apple Car

Mobility Lead & Creative Director at Virtual Identity w/ 15 years XP on mobility brands in digital, blogging about #strategy, the #ClimateCrisis, and #AppleCar.