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Thoughts on Apple Car, Part 74

Michael Schmidt
Thoughts on Apple Car
3 min readMay 21, 2017


There was a second interesting comment in Apple designer Julian Hönig’s interview with Austrian newspaper Der Standard.

About the Porsche 911:

Many designers are trying to create something new by doing more and more lines, which makes the designs more and more complex, drifting into a mere styling.

This can make a great idea disappear.

When you look at the Porsche 911 stylistically, you can see the proverbial „less-is-more“.

This is key to Apple’s Dieter-Rams-inspired design language.

You can expect Apple Car to reduce complexity in its appearance, and to be a simple, memorable and iconic shape.

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Michael Schmidt
Thoughts on Apple Car

Mobility Lead & Creative Director at Virtual Identity w/ 15 years XP on mobility brands in digital, blogging about #strategy, the #ClimateCrisis, and #AppleCar.