Character Intro: Tre

Your favorite problematic nerd, back on Medium

Tre L.
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2017


Hey there, internet, good to see ya again! My name’s Tre L., and I’m one of the four nerds behind RandomStage.

As far back as I can remember, I’ve been playing video games in one way or another. I mostly grew up on the first three PlayStation consoles, with a couple of detours into Microsoft and Nintendo territory as I went; these days I’ve settled with Steam and my Xbox One S, though I still love the PS4 from a distance. (I’m trying my best to leave brand loyalty behind me — if a game’s good, I’ll play it wherever I can.)

I mostly like platformers, first-person shooters and racing titles. Some of my favorite games, past and present, include Tiny and Big in Grandpa’s Leftovers, the Burnout series (with Takedown and Paradise being all-time greats), Rayman from the second entry onward, Borderlands, Destiny and Titanfall 2.

My existing series of blog posts about video games and other stuff, Tremulous Thoughts, will be moving here to RandomStage as we start building this place from the ground up. I’m also going to be launching a podcast called Late Night Game Night, and perhaps some other surprises as we go! Thanks for reading.

You can find me just about everywhere on the rest of the web as @trespeak.



Tre L.

Twenty three year old writer/musician/friendly fellow. He/his.