Welcome to RandomStage!

Challenger approaching.

Published in
2 min readSep 3, 2017


Hello internet! My name is Tre, and if you’ve stumbled into this neat little corner of the internet, you’ve made your way to a humble little place called RandomStage. Thanks for checking it out.

This place is going to be a bunch of different things, but perhaps most of all, it’ll be a new spin on some old ideas. You can think of it as a new home for interesting, weird and fun musings about the cartoons, music, movies, video games, tech and everything that strikes the fancy of the forward-thinking nerd.

RandomStage kind of came about through a bunch of conversations and ideas about unique stuff that my friends and I were hoping to bring to the ‘net, and with any luck, we’ll end up calling on our readers and our other friends to bring their own interesting ideas into the mix. It’ll be fun!

We’ve got some exciting stuff coming up for the site for the end of this summer and the beginning of fall, including:

  • Tale Mix, a comedy podcast with lots of love for games, pop culture, and gorp;
  • Late Night Game Night, my long-in-the-planning-stages podcast diving into the history, gameplay and universes of the video games I love (and why I love ‘em);
  • A YouTube channel that’ll be our hub for podcasts, Let’s Plays, and other video junk we end up experimenting with,
  • and more blog posts right here on the site, including more entries in my own Tremulous Thoughts series (moving over from my Tumblr and Trespeak.me)

Watch this space, folks, and be sure to roll with it. You can follow us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook as @therandomstage, and right here on Medium at medium.com/randomstage.




Twenty three year old writer/musician/friendly fellow. He/his.