Reading between the lines: Knitting and creativity

David Güiza Caicedo
Design Stories by Randstad
2 min readSep 12, 2022

We at Randstad are in the business of HR, by helping talent achieve their true potential, and connecting them to the professional choices that are right for them.

“Reading between the lines” is a recent internal campaign by the company to highlight the importance of soft skills, and they happen to be showcasing a couple members from our Design Team.

When hobbies build skills

When you think of knitting, do you picture an old granny in a rocking chair? The truth is, knitting is becoming increasingly popular among young people — and even celebrities. Our vibrant and beautiful UX Designer, Olayinka Fadare, explains why.

When you read ‘between the lines’, you find meaning that wasn’t apparent at first. Soft skills and personal interests on CVs can help you uncover the possible in talent.

Knitting requires creativity and agile hands. To complete a knitting job, you must plan well and set clear goals. Studies also show that those who knit enter a different state of focus and concentration, which can reduce stress and improve mental health. So, if you see ‘knitting’ as a hobby on a CV, read between the lines and see a candidate with a cool head.

From hobbies to habits

Ever feel like it’s hard to concentrate? No wonder. Distractions are everywhere; from phone notifications to chatty colleagues to internal worries and desires. Taking time to enjoy a hobby like knitting is just one of the many ways to regain your focus. Neuroscientist Amishi Jha offers Four simple exercises to strengthen your attention and reduce distractibility. Because uncovering the possible in yourself begins with brain fitness.



David Güiza Caicedo
Design Stories by Randstad

UX Design Leader helping organizations achieve more through Product strategy, User research, UX, and Service design (Randstad, PostNL, Tomtom...) |