Hemp For Women’s Health and Vitality

How CBD Balances Hormones and Improves Wellbeing

Tyler Strause
Randy’s Club
5 min readMar 8, 2021


Women have used hemp for centuries to maintain their hormone balance, ease post-menopausal symptoms (PMS), and improve fertility. Here is what you need to know and why you should try it today.

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Many different types of products, including Randy’s Remedy, use cannabidiol (CBD)-rich hemp extracts as an ingredient. It is a natural remedy for a wide range of health concerns, particularly those affecting women. Some research has shown that CBD has calming effects on sleep, mood, and anxiety, easing hot flashes, and improving bone density by balancing hormonal changes during menopause. CBD has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties that promote clear skin, diminish acne, calm rosacea, and help alleviate PMS symptoms like bloating and mood swings.

First, what is CBD-rich hemp extract?

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CBD-rich hemp extract is an extract made from hemp and is used as an ingredient in many different products. Products made with hemp extracts can be found in different strengths and forms. CBD-rich hemp extracts are often infused in oil, alcohol, or dissolved in solution. They can be put in pills to take orally or under the tongue, put in powders or in lotions you apply to the skin. Unlike marijuana, products made with CBD-rich hemp extracts won’t make you feel high.

What are the Benefits to Women’s Health of Hemp and CBD?

CBD regulates cortisol levels and modulates hormone levels helping women suffering from hormonal imbalance. In addition, hemp seed and hemp seed oil are rich in omega fatty acids and gamma-linolenic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid also known to help regulate hormones.

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Topical CBD-products like Randy’s Remedy Extra-Strength Lotion deliver the benefits of CBD to the skin and body. CBD strengthens hair follicles and improves skin health, reducing dark spots and improving the look and health of the skin. A 2014 study shows CBD helps suppress acne breakouts by regulating oil production in the skin and controlling inflammation. It also improves the skin texture, reduces redness and irritation, and relieves itchiness. CBD supports good bone health and may decrease the rate of bone density loss that occurs during menopause.

CBD helps stabilize mood and reduces sleep disturbances, a common complaint from women going through menopause. CBD helps you to stay asleep and wake up feeling rested. It also helps when menopause-related anxiety keeps you up at night. A busy mind can make it hard to fall asleep; CBD can help quiet your thoughts, promoting restful relaxation and sleep. Sleep interruption impacts day-to-day life and decreases quality of life.

Studies have found that CBD can help alleviate PMS symptoms, which occur before or during your period. It helps PMS, particularly mood behavior, by lowering stress hormone levels and improving liver function while reducing inflammation overall, generally benefiting both the physical and psychological symptoms of PMS. Applied to the abdomen, it helps soothe bloating and cramps, alleviating discomfort from swollen or tender breasts. In general, CBD helps to moderate mood irregularities and support good overall mental health.

Are CBD products safe?

Yes, the short answer is CBD-rich hemp extracts are safe and very well tolerated, even at high doses. However, we don’t have useful long-term data proving whether CBD products are safe for everyone.

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For example, there is no evidence showing that CBD is safe for pregnant women, when breastfeeding, or immunocompromised people. The FDA does not regulate CBD products in the way drugs are and there is enormous variation in quality and purity. In 2017–2018, counterfeit CBD oil containing synthetic cannabinoids led to a poisoning outbreak in Utah.

Purchasing products from tested vendors who test them for purity and potency is essential. One study found that less than a third of products tested had the amount of CBD shown on the label. Another study showed that more than a quarter of products contained less CBD than stated. In addition, THC above the legal limit was found in 18 products.

Are There any Side Effects of CBD?

CBD products are generally well-tolerated with few adverse effects. CBD, in some cases, may cause side effects like dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced appetite, and drowsiness. CBD may also interact with certain medicines, such as blood thinners and anti-seizure drugs. If you are using any medication and want to start using CBD products, you should speak with your doctor first.

In Conclusion

There are many claims about the benefits of CBD for women. Some are well supported; others need more high-quality research.

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CBD oil and other CBD products are not well regulated. Therefore, it is crucial to buy products tested for potency and safety to ensure that products are not contaminated. Before using CBD, if you are pregnant, nursing, living with an auto-immune disorder, or taking a medication that may interact with CBD, speak with your doctor or healthcare provider to learn whether CBD is safe and helpful to use.

For questions and more information about CBD and hemp, visit www.randysclub.com or send us a message on Facebook.



Tyler Strause
Randy’s Club

Founder of Randy’s Club. Randy’s Remedy, a line of botanically complete products made with natural cannabinoids from hemp and other botanicals.