A nation do not become great by shouting slogans, 

it becomes great when citizens do great things.

Rang De Zindagi
Rang De Zindagi
2 min readFeb 8, 2014


Have you ever visited the areas, where children roam around the street without cloths? Instead of getting education, instead of learning the fundamentals of life, instead of enjoying the most beautiful period of life, they start living their life without any knowledge. I think it does not need to explain what they do for their survival.

Don’t we have any responsibility toward our country?
Don't we have any responsibility toward our society?
Most of the People think that so long it’s not happening to me, who cares?
But each one of us by virtue of being born here took an unwritten oath to uphold the integrity of nation.
The question is are we upholding??
If you want to wait more GOOD LUCK…. I am not willing to do that. Either the country changes or I change. And I am not ready to change any more, Country has to change.
If each and every Indian start accepting that “This is my country, I am responsible to my country and I owe it to my country.”
Then we can celebrate another freedom where people can live with respect and dignity
A great person said that “Educated people can tell the difference b/w right and wrong.
If we are not able to differentiate right and wrong. If we are not taking any action for the wrong things.
I need you to think on this question“Are we educated?
To give beautiful days in others life, we can share time from our today. We can fill the color of happiness in their life through education so that they can be capable enough to stand and do something good in life.
The goal of Rang Dey Zindagi can be achieved through public interest and public support to enforce good education.
Attach pride and dignity to humanity and to India.

Deepak Panchal
(Inspired by Shiv Khera)



Rang De Zindagi
Rang De Zindagi

Rang De Zindagi is a non-governmental organization aimed at providing education to underprivileged children at selected government elementary schools of Indore