We’re sailing!

Range Labs
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2018

Range turned 1-year old. Here’s why we took a day to celebrate.

Celebrating as a team is incredibly important. But as a young company, it’s hard to know when you should take a moment to honor hard work. Progress comes unexpectedly in fits and starts. And nearly every big accomplishment is tempered by an ever growing list of more stuff that needs to get done.

It’s tempting to get pulled into the grind, and never celebrate at all. But that’s a recipe for burn out.

So we decided to take Range’s 1-year birthday as a milestone to celebrate with our team and signifiant others. Remembering back a year ago, all we had was a dream and a pitch deck. Today we’ve built a happy high-functioning team and a product that is already helping other teams work better together.

We know there’s a long journey ahead. In the meantime, here’s some memories from our much shorter journey under the Golden Gate Bridge and back.

P.S. We don’t go sailing every day. Most days we’re writing code, talking to customers, and designing products. If that sounds fun to you, we’re hiring.



Range Labs
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