I’ve Gone Up “Schitt’s Creek” Without a Paddle — And I Regret Nothing

Rants and Raves
Published in
11 min readJun 8, 2019


In April, I decided to take a dip in Schitt’s Creek, the Canadian sitcom that has recently exploded into a pop culture phenomenon. I was instantly hooked and managed to finish all 66 episodes in 53 days, just in time to be dazzled by the cast as their “Up Close and Personal” tour hit Hollywood.

[Author’s Note: A follow-up article chronicling the final season and series finale of the show can be found here.]

Last month, I was scrounging for topics while making small talk with my highly esteemed academic mentor at a work dinner. I typically gravitate toward discussing film, television, or music when in such situations, but in the twelve years of knowing her I have only ever heard her reference one piece of popular culture —Downton Abbey (which is fitting because she definitely gives off serious Dowager energy at times). Seeing an opening, I asked her if she had heard about the recently released trailer for the new Downton Abbey movie. “I’ve moved on from Downton Abbey,” she said. “But I have discovered a new show that I just love. Have you heard of something called Schitt’s Creek?”

This is when I truly realized what a phenomenon Schitt’s Creek had become.

Coincidentally, I had not just heard of Schitt’s Creek but had actually taken the plunge just a…



Rants and Raves

Passionate cinephile. Music lover. Classic TV junkie. Awards season blogger. History buff. Avid traveler. Mental health and social justice advocate.