What Ellen Coming Out Meant to Me

Rants and Raves
Published in
10 min readMay 3, 2018


In April 1997, Ellen DeGeneres caused a media firestorm — and generated some intense backlash — when she came out as a lesbian and announced that the character she portrayed on her hit sitcom would be doing the same. 21 years later, I reflect on that singular moment in time, the artistry of the landmark episode, and the enduring legacy of that hour of television.

Ellen DeGeneres and Oprah Winfrey in a scene from “The Puppy Episode” (Copyright Warner Bros. TV)

Author’s Note: About one month ago, I wrote a post about the film Love, Simon, which marked the first time a teen romance with a gay protagonist ever received a wide release. I reflected on what it would have meant to me if a film like that had been released when I was a teenager. It was cathartic to write and elicited feedback that moved me. The experience inspired me to write a series of articles about milestones in LGBT media representation that personally affected me. It felt natural to start with Ellen.

Putting The Event Into Context

Although I didn’t fully understand that I was gay until age 19, I had that dreadful feeling I was “different” much, much earlier. Growing up in a conservative, Catholic, and military community many miles away from the nearest city meant that I never met a single “out” LGBT person while I was growing up. Like many LGBT youth, I learned what “gay” was from the media. Unfortunately, in the 1990s, the “Family Values” movement was strong and LGBTs…



Rants and Raves

Passionate cinephile. Music lover. Classic TV junkie. Awards season blogger. History buff. Avid traveler. Mental health and social justice advocate.