The War on Free Speech

Kung-Fu Woodsman
Rants & Ravings of Modern MadMen
3 min readSep 4, 2020
Image Courtesy of Scott Umstattd — Unsplash

There is a pattern repeated since time itself, a pattern of a select few people gaining power over the masses, silencing their voices, and inflicting their own will. Perhaps it will always remain a mystery what could motivate a rational being to desire control over the lives of others. It was once a means to acquire wealth, safety, women, comfort, etc. Now all that can easily be achieved with money alone, ahh the beauty of capitalism! Why then has this pattern of the few seeking control over the many not been broken? What is to be gained? I don’t claim to know the answer, but I can tell you how they plan to gain that control. The methods haven’t changed much since man wore togas and carried bronze.

Throughout history, free speech has been limited ferociously by individuals and organizations with political influence. From Kings to Criminals to Popes, all exercised their presumed rights to control the voices of others. Many believe free speech has only become relevant since the world wars, but the truth is people have been killed over it since the earliest civilizations. A notable example is the story of Socrates, who was famously made to drink the poison Hemlock. Why was he killed? Simply put, saying what he believed to be true, or as they saw it “corrupting the minds of the youth of Athens” and “not believing in the gods of the state”.

Of course religion has always been and may always remain a significant portion of the censorship of ideas. It has remained reason for mass murder of the offending believers throughout history and to this day. Sticking with the theme of exceedingly old examples, the Spanish Inquisition is arguably the most important example of censorship in religion. Established by Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile, the Spanish Inquisition was responsible for the persecution of an estimated 150,000 people. Of those, countless individuals were tortured, killed, and/or forced to recant their beliefs. Horrific, right? So why does humanity not seem to learn from these abhorrent events in our history? The answer also lies in the censorship of free speech.

One cannot explain free speech without explaining it’s connection to propaganda, which is in combination with censorship, responsible for humanity’s miraculous ability to forget history and thus repeat it. While propaganda pushes false logic and evil agendas on the masses, censorship operates as it’s silent sidekick, holding down the voices that point out false logic and historical horrors that will inevitably replay themselves.

You may be wondering how all this applies to you, here, today. What strings are being pulled and truths altered to twist the future of the free world, and how might they be thwarted by ending the suppression of free speech? In these United States we now face the most sophisticated, engineered, and complete campaign to silence the voices of reason and bring an end to the American way of life. It is merely a more refined approach to the same methods used by the likes of Adolf Hitler to create a vicious totalitarian regime.

If one wants to uproot democracy and bring about a totalitarian government, the first logical step is to indoctrinate the country’s youth, while silencing every attempt to expose their motives. The second is to create unrest between two of the largest groups of people, and capitalize on that unrest to justify harsh political changes. I point you again to Adolf Hitler, who began by teaching young German students the “merits” of national socialism, antisemitism, etc. Retraining the youth of Germany was in fact the primary method Hitler employed to gain followers throughout the Nazis era of control. Make no mistake, this precise pattern of events is occurring in American schools, homes, televisions, and the internet.

If we want to prevent and/or reverse the spread of this radical agenda, the only course of action is to fight harder than ever before for our voices to be heard. Waiting and seeing won’t prevent a thing, as we know well from a quick read of 6th grade history. While more and more is done to prevent reason from being spoken, written, demonstrated, or taught to our youth, otherwise rational Americans still stand idle, hoping a better time will come. It won’t, not while good men and women say and do nothing. Speak. Make your voice heard, and make it sound angry. I sure am.



Kung-Fu Woodsman
Rants & Ravings of Modern MadMen

Entrepreneur, DIY-er, Martial Artist, Nerd, Co-Owner of Real Men’s Style. Follow for interesting and humorous content that will improve your quality of life