Why “Weird People” Become Rich

Kung-Fu Woodsman
Rants & Ravings of Modern MadMen
3 min readAug 20, 2020
Photo courtesy of Dan Gribbin, Unsplash.com

Most people are afraid of being different. That’s why they stay broke. Among a half million other reasons, but this is among the top five. Even more often, they simply lack courage as a rule. How can anyone become wealthy without risking something? Be it ridicule or financial ruin, there is always a potential for a negative outcome. If I had a dime for every person I’ve ever met that “coulda, woulda, shoulda” done X to become wealthy, I wouldn’t bother writing this article, because I wouldn’t need to profit from my writing.

So why is a fear of being different such a big deal? How many truly brilliant ideas, million, billion, trillion dollar ideas, can be described with the word “normal”? I don’t know about you, but I came up with zero. Breaking the mold is exactly how success is achieved, and most people don’t have the guts to look their friends, parents, teachers in the eye and tell them they are wrong. They can’t bring themselves to reject everything they know is false, because everyone around them says different. They fear the way people will look at them or speak about them if they choose the road less traveled. Regardless of their potential, that fact alone makes them just like everyone else: doomed to live a life of mediocrity.

Most brilliant entrepreneurs aren’t all that much smarter than the “average Joe”, they simply have a conviction that they can achieve what others already could if they weren’t afraid of failure and rejection. I have ceased to be surprised at the lack of intelligence in a great many successful businessmen. You think I’m joking? Search for videos on launching an online business by people who make 6 or even 7 figures a year doing it. Watch enough of them, and you’ll quickly realize they aren’t usually brilliant people, they just got started and never stopped. Sometimes I’ve come across such individuals and questioned how a just universe can allow someone of their mental (or moral) capacity so much success, but I digress.

It is important to understand that ANYONE can make a successful business. Being a genius will make a new Google, but being committed will still make a new Millionaire. Interestingly, that indicates that the more “weird” someone is, the more success they are likely to achieve. The most successful companies in existence were often built by people who were absolutely the most ridiculed individuals in their respective hometowns. So why did they achieve such great success? They already knew they couldn’t be part of society, so the only way to go was up. Or perhaps they didn’t want to be part of society. Why would they? Who in their right mind aspires to mediocrity? Apparently everyone “normal”.

Everyone has memories from their childhood of being mocked or bullied for SOMETHING. But for some people, the memories last up till present day, because they never changed themselves to avoid embarrassment or abuse. Most people do change; they are told the way they wear their hair is stupid or “gay”, and they go cut it or restyle it. They get laughed at for punching the air, and they stop pursuing their passion for martial arts. I want you to ask yourself what you’ve changed so you could “fit in”, or just so you wouldn’t be bullied. Think about it. Now change it back. Be yourself. Kick some ass! Individuality is what makes success possible. Beyond that, it’s just what makes people happy.

Alright, now that you know what it takes to be successful is nothing more than dedication and personality, go do something awesome. Launch a product that’s better than every competing item. Write a book that sells a million copies. Take risks. Have fun. Live the life you know deep down you’re capable of. The only thing stopping you is inaction(and all the hundreds of obstacles along the way, but stop interrupting my motivational speech with your logic).



Kung-Fu Woodsman
Rants & Ravings of Modern MadMen

Entrepreneur, DIY-er, Martial Artist, Nerd, Co-Owner of Real Men’s Style. Follow for interesting and humorous content that will improve your quality of life