(AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)

Actions Speak Louder Than Trump

Nicole Michonski
Rantt Media


Here we go again. Another influential and powerful male figure being publicly accused of sexual assault/harassment. This time, it’s totally believable that the accused is capable of these assaults.

With Bill Cosby, people were baffled that “America’s dad” could have done those things. “Those 20+ women must be lying,” they said. Because we all actually know Bill Cosby in real life and the dozens of women with the same story of Cosby sexually assaulting them must have all made it up…But that’s a story for another day.

Now with Donald Trump, it’s easy to believe that he would have sexually assaulted these women, because he has privately bragged about doing such things. The proof is in the Access Hollywood tape.

Despite those tapes or the crude things he’s said about women in the past, people still back the Donald.

Now, more and more women are coming forward saying what Donald talked about on those tapes, actually happened to them in real life.

So now you have leaked footage, several accusers, and basically his entire history to back up the claims that he doesn’t have much respect for women as he says he does. Where’s the leaked footage of his respect for women? That would be a bigger story at this point.

And what’s even more repulsive is how Trump has handled the news of these women who have accused him of sexually assaulting them.

In speeches in front of thousands of people, he has deflected the attention to Bill Clinton’s past, and has laughed it off, saying “look at her” and “I don’t think so,” seeming to imply that they aren’t good looking enough for him to have sexually assaulted them. Sounds like something a pervert would say.

And the fact that women can still back him is mind-boggling. Even men who back him have made up some pathetic excuses. The fact that Liberty University’s president, Jerry Falwell, Jr., justifies Trump’s actions by saying that we’re not voting for a priest, we’re voting for a president, is exactly what is wrong with our society.

Why wouldn’t you hold the leader of the free world to the same standards as the leader of a religion? Do you really want your kids to look up to someone who has repeatedly sexually assaulted women? It’s extraordinary to see the different excuses that are being made for Trump’s actions and words.

The warning signs and red flags have been there all along. As the saying goes, “actions speak louder than words,” and Donald Trump, you’re fucked both ways.

