How A Dildo Joke Made This Millennial A National Gun Control Activist

Cocks Not Glocks went from jokey Facebook event to meaningful resistance

Ari Andersen
Rantt Media
Published in
4 min readFeb 18, 2018


Jessica Jin, Founder of Cocks Not Glocks

This week I had the pleasure of interviewing Jessica Jin, the founder an organization called Cocks Not Glocks, which she started by accident after creating a fake Facebook event at UT Austin to protest the impending concealed carry on campuses law in Texas. Her event blew up overnight, and she woke up the next morning to 10,000 attendees, media requests, and being doxxed by Neo-Nazis. 10 months later, she held the protest and handed out 5000 dildos around campus.

“The protest served to challenge Americans to reconsider what objects they consider obscene, normal, and acceptable in their daily lives. Guns in classrooms are just as appropriate as dildos in classrooms. The normalization of gun culture has put too many guns in too many poorly trained hands in our public spaces. We’re here to show you how ridiculous it would look if everyone in society ‘carried’ something.”

Follow Jessica on Instagram , and check out #CocksNotGlocks on Facebook and their website.

You can listen to the whole interview here:

Below are lightly edited excerpts of a few moments of our interview.

How did #cocksnotglocks begin?

Cocks not Glocks began because I was just facetiously saying that students should tie big swinging dildos to their backpacks and wear them on the first day this (concealed carry on college campuses) law went into effect, but I also told them to do it at their own risk because some people would probably get in trouble. I made a Facebook event as a joke and woke up to 10,000 RSVPs and dozens of requests for press, completely unprepared.

What happened when you found out you were on 4chan?

I thought, “Oh great, now the shit’s gonna hit the fan,” because when the depths of the internet come after you, it’s like “oh great, things are gonna get bad.” We all grew up on the Internet, it’s not scary because we’re so familiar with it, but you know things can get bad. I wound up calling back this white supremacist, Chris Cantwell, because I thought he was the press calling. Five minutes later there’s a post on his anarchist website about not only all of his vile opinions about what I was doing, but my address, my phone number, and told all his Nazi followers where to find me if they wanted to tell me their opinion about Cocks Not Glocks.

What happened the day of the protest?

I sort of faded into the background that day, you probably would have seen me sitting on a curb. And (one of our campus leaders) was out there swinging this big dildo called Cockzilla, as big as your forearm, around her head and yelling all day. She was yelling “I’m the Oprah of dicks! Come get a dick!” And what wound up happening was that she became of the face of the protest, and she became a target once it hit the press again. And she is a Jewish girl, so she started getting messages like “You belong in the oven, you’re a slutty kike,” and they even called her dad and sent him photos of her with the Cockzilla photoshopped onto porn sites.

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