Running Over Protesters Is An Obsession For Denton County, Texas Republicans

A Texas GOP Chairwoman joked about running over protesters — her state representative took it seriously

Matthew Reyna
Rantt Media
5 min readSep 7, 2017


Texas State Rep. Pat Fallon and Denton County GOP Chairwoman Lisa Hendrickson

On January 21, the day of the worldwide Women’s March, Denton County GOP Chairwoman Lisa Hendrickson shared a disturbing image on Twitter. The image showed a truck with a plow on it and the caption read: “Don’t be late for work. Get the protester plow.”

Six months later one of her state representatives tried to codify the sentiment of her picture into law.

Texas State Rep. Pat Fallon represents House District 106, which covers north and east Denton County.

In July, during a special session of the Texas Legislature, Fallon proposed House Bill 250, a bill that would eliminate civil liability for motorists who accidentally ran over protesters.

“A person operating a motor vehicle who injures another person with the motor vehicle is not liable for the injury if, at the time of the injury: (1) the person operating the motor vehicle was exercising due care; and (2) the person injured was blocking traffic in a public right-of-way while participating in a protest or demonstration.”

Texas House Bill 250

The bill did not make it out of committee during this summer’s special session of the Texas Legislature. Unfortunately, Fallon’s bill was one of many protester liability bills proposed in state legislatures in 2017.

After a protester was run over and killed in Charlottesville, the Denton County GOP’s attitude toward peaceful protesters is being looked at with new scrutiny.

Hendrickson found the idea of running over protesters to be a share-worthy meme, while Fallon used the legislative session to try and eliminate civil liability for motorists that hit protesters. Together they are Denton County’s deadly duo.

After Charlottesville, Fallon was roundly criticized for his bill. He addressed the complaints in an early morning Facebook tirade on August 18, where he compared Black Lives Matter to the KKK among other noteworthy sentiments.

“Hmmm, let’s see, Antifa, Black Lives Matter and many other semi-professional leftist protesters on one side and Nazis, White Supremacists and the KKK on the other. Wow, nothing bad could possibly come of that,” Fallon wrote. “Nitro, meet glycerine. Really!? I’m not espousing a conspiracy theory here merely asking a question, ‘Did some in power want a scuffle?’”

Hendrickson also recently endorsed the idea of a Charlottesville conspiracy. She tweeted out an article in August that suggested Charlottesville was a false flag operation orchestrated by the city’s mayor Michael Signer and former President Barack Obama to cause political unrest.

Despite the backlash over H.B. 250, Fallon is now seeking a promotion. He announced this week that he will challenge Craig Estes for his seat in the Texas State Senate.

Hendrickson initially sought re-election as the head of Denton County’s Republican Party, but abruptly announced in June that she would not seek another term. She cited an undisclosed opportunity as her reason for stepping down.

After the “protester plow” image re-emerged in August, Hendrickson deleted her County Chair Facebook page and has been mostly silent. She briefly broke her silence when asked on the now deleted Facebook page if she really posted the offensive meme. Her response: “Sure did!!!”

Denton County GOP Chairwoman Lisa Hendrickson responds to a question that asked if she posted the “protester plow” meme.

North Texas media outlets have been reluctant to cover Hendrickson’s social media behavior. Besides a small mention in a local gossip column, her actions have gone unreported. The Carrollton Leader did an interview with Hendrickson in May and asked her questions like: “What is your favorite movie?”

Fallon, as he pursues more responsibility in the State Senate, should also have to answer more questions about H.B. 250 and his eye-opening Facebook statement that accused “some in power” of wanting a scuffle in Charlottesville.

Local media must hold Hendrickson and Fallon accountable for their inflammatory remarks. The Texas Republican Party and Denton County Republican Party should immediately release statements clarifying their position on running over protesters.

In the meantime, please be careful protesting in Denton County.

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