Rapido Envisions to Provide Freedom of Pay to its Captains

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3 min readAug 14, 2018

The on-demand economy is on an indefinite rise. With various companies becoming big players in the industry, it is definitely creating innumerable jobs and various opportunities that come with it. As much as we, at Rapido, are also a part of the same, we had a much broader vision. A vision that, with no doubt, has to be an imperative part of the sharing and on-demand economy we are all a part of.

In today’s times of instant gratification, we amplify living in the moment for almost everything we do or pursue. Focusing on this, when Rapido branded its rider partners as Captains, we wanted to make the association empowering and make them their own bosses — where anyone can register, utilise the platform and don’t need to wait to get the value for their effort.

Be it a college student who doesn’t want to cancel on his movie plans because he is out of pocket money, or a working employee who goes through the ‘broke-week’ ordeal every end of the month, he should have a chance to create value for his service and be rewarded instantly — this is the vision of Rapido for the Supply Community in the industry.

Going forward a step ahead with that vision, Rapido recently launched its brand new value-add feature of Redeem — which makes sure that the Captain’s earnings stay at his disposal and he doesn’t need to wait for a weekly or monthly payment cycle. With Redeem, a Rapido Captain can add his bank account and initiate a transfer anytime he wishes to.

Redeem is a simple, 6 step process to transfer earnings to your bank account

Rapido, the first one to introduce this feature in its partner app, provides for more credibility to the Captains with this add-on. The pilot is live in two operational cities now and we have had a great response from the Captains. Manjunath, a Rapido Captain in Trichy says, “Having worked on multiple platforms in the past, I never got to take such benefits. Here, Rapido is giving us an opportunity to get our earnings anytime we like. It sure makes a lot of things easier”.

Another Captain, Swamy Gowda adds, “Things are definitely easier, and I am more happy to be a Rapido Captain now!”

We take pride in understanding the supply community and their needs in order to work towards building an inclusive platform for them. This shall ensure more freedom to them and we hope to build more loyal & dedicated fleet to work for the common goal of disrupting transportation. We certainly want them to work with us, and not for us.

By Charu Bhatele

Rapido Bike Taxi is disrupting the last mile connectivity for the people in the ever growing road congestion problem. Making daily commute easier for people, it also provides an opportunity for people with a two-wheeler to become a rider on the platform and earn some extra money in their spare time. Download our Captain App here.



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Rapido redefines the way you commute intra-city by leveraging two-wheelers and technology to save time and money!