Run RAPIDS on Google Colab — For Free

Randy Gelhausen
Published in
1 min readApr 26, 2019

Update 5/14/24: RAPIDS cuDF is now preinstalled on Google Colab and instantly accelerates pandas with zero code changes! We also support and recommend installing the rest of the RAPIDS libraries onto Colab using pip. We’ve updated the links in this blog to give you the latest RAPIDS on Colab experience.

Google Colab is a hosted Jupyter-Notebook like service which has long offered free access to GPU instances.

This week Colab got even sweeter. The GPUs powering Colab were upgraded to NVIDIA new T4 GPUs. This upgrade unlocks new software packages; which means you can now experiment with RAPIDS on Colab for free!

Check out our RAPIDS cuDF and cuML libraries directly in Colab here. You can save a copy in your personal Google Drive account and use it in your own development work.

Try it out, give us feedback and start contributing!

