December Update

Rapids Official
Published in
5 min readDec 31, 2018

As the year 2018 nears conclusion, social media has been inundated with doubt and uncertainty due to the state of the cryptocurrency market. Whether Bitcoin, the blockchain, and altcoins will be facing impending doom or not, the social networking cryptocurrency Rapids continues plugging away bringing you the roadmap goals and the crucial development needed to take this project to new heights. Rapids will become everything the team has pledged, and progress will implement what the community requires, delivering you the best social payment method not only technologically but also through practical means.

Blockchain technology is in its infancy and while it helps us to secure our liberty in the fields of finance and personal data, using blockchain-related features can get complex at times. This is where Rapids will distinguish itself from the rest. Too many cryptocurrency projects develop without the end user in mind and fail to bring the most basic concepts to fruition. Rapids products and services put community needs first, and these will be features that you can and will actually use on a day-to-day basis.

For the monthly update of December, the Rapids team has no shortage of good news and glad tidings. Since our last update, Rapids has integrated features into the blockchain which are now apparent as the Mainnet swap has completed. The Rapids ERC20 token has officially migrated to the host Rapids blockchain which began December 15, 2018, and concluded soon afterward. Two exchanges participated in the swap — BiteBTC & Crex24 — so those of us that sent our RPD tokens to one of these two exchanges should now be proud owners of RPD coins based on the QUARK algorithm.

With the mainnet swap finalized ahead of schedule, more of which can be read here in our mainnet update, we would like to illustrate further the developments that have been underway since the last monthly update. Let’s start with the changes to the project that have already taken place:

Concerning the upgraded blockchain development, the Rapids team decided to integrate a model that would support the use of Masternodes. Along with masternodes comes increased security for the blockchain network as well as two distinct advantages for the community:

  1. Investor incentives
  2. Community participation

Incentives for those that own RPD coins, along with a node, includes block rewards for assisting in the security and maintenance of the Rapids network. Community participation is the strong point here that we would like to emphasize. We know as well as you do that any cryptocurrency project worth its salt has an extraordinary community behind it supporting new development and assisting in shaping the decisions. This was the rationale behind implementing masternodes within the Rapids blockchain. We want our community to have a voice and to use it as frequently as possible to assist in reaching positive resolutions and to ultimately improve upon the project as the team and the community progress together. If you are interested in setting up a Rapids masternode, follow our newly-released Masternode Setup Guide.

Besides the expansions directly related to the foundation of the Rapids project, at least in a technical sense, there is another bout of good news to bring you during the December update which includes:

Tour de Crypto has been featured in the crypto headlines more than a few times for their charitable work and their determination in bringing blockchain awareness to philanthropic organizations and the business world as a whole. The Rapids team has become a sponsor of the Tour de Crypto, donating RPD to HAWC and simultaneously proving cryptocurrency can be donated and accepted by businesses and organizations in a fast and secure fashion.

The recent Linda partnership was formed for the purpose of the prospective support of masternodes and staking that has been enabled by the swap to the new Rapids blockchain. Linda’s family of products includes My Staking Wallet and my node pool both of which provide secure, user-friendly configurations to allow you to optimize your staking and masternodes.

The new listings and informational integrations of Rapids consist of the new exchange Graviex with RPD/BTC pairing, an RPD integration into Setupmasternodes and My Masternodes Host to help you set up and host your Rapids masternode, along with real-time statistical information provided by All the links to bring you to these sites can be found above in the bulleted list. The Rapids team is proud of our accomplishments this month as well as the overall achievements of this year, and with the support of the community, many of these objectives have been completed in advance of our projected dates. This means that our roadmap goals have more checks in the boxes and what that signifies for the next round of roadmap goals is more integrations and better features for the project and for the benefit of the community, sooner.

For future reference, and quite possibly topics in our next monthly update, a business proposal has been submitted for an esports team of a prominent football team (that would be a well-recognized soccer team for us Americans). The Rapids project has undergone a strict vetting process by Cpollo, and through the transparency of the Rapid’s project, we have received the Cpollo stamp of approval. In addition, we are currently working on RPD tipbots for all of our social media channels. The Rapids Telegram Tipbot channel has just been released so, don’t forget to stay on your toes for Discord and Twitter tipbots in the near future. Also, through the holiday season, we have all noticed a certain cynical sentiment surrounding the Bitcoin and altcoin markets. So, to brighten up some of those feelings of gloom, the Rapids team regularly provides contests and giveaways, keeping spirits bright and community engagement lively.

We look forward to the next month of development, integrations, and partnerships we strive to provide you with for an unparalleled experience when using blockchain technology throughout social networks. We would like to wish everyone a happy New Years!



Rapids Official

Cryptocurrency advocate, content creator, believer in restoring financial freedom through decentralization and blockchain technology.