What we’re doing at RapidUI

RapidUI Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2017

You should be able to build websites that look, feel, and function exactly how you want them to look, feel, and function.

Is that too much to ask?

(We didn’t think so either. That’s why we built RapidUI.)

RapidUI is the first design-to-web platform allowing designers to turn their PSD and Sketch files into fully-functional websites without writing a line of code.

The simplest way to explain it is: we’ve automated front-end development.

How? Every element in your design has the potential to do something. Now, within the RapidUI platform, the platform codes your designs exactly how you’d want to built them: meaning, your map designs turn into interactive maps, your squares turn into buttons, your background images turn parallax, and whatever else you want to function — well, it will. Exactly how you’d like it to.

Why? Because designers should be able to build websites from their designs without having to hand them over to a developer and hope for the best.

Our goal is to put designers in the driver’s seat.

We all know that great design can only come from great UI/UX, so we built a product that lets you control every detail of how your design functions, feels, and works.

So, what can you do in the platform?

Build a website on your own that looks and feels the way you want it to. Make your designs interactive, animated, and responsive with just a few clicks — and without compromising.

Whatever you can do with HTML or CSS, you can do with RapidUI; that means, in terms of interactive design, your options are limitless.

If you speak HTML/CSS/Javascript or have a front-end friend who does, feel free to edit the code as you please; our platform syncs live with any and all changes you’ll make, from fonts to sliders to parallax scrolling.

Other cool things?

Experience your elements as you’ve designed them. See how your animations and interactive elements look for your user while you’re designing them. As you design, your design will come to life: your hovers will hover, your buttons will click, and your scrolling will be parallaxed.

What’s a website without users? We’ve taken care of an in-platform SEO toolkit, so you can start bringing visitors as soon as you hit publish. And remember how we mentioned limitless code? That applies to SEO too.

RapidUi offers both in-platform hosting options and a CMS, so you can start and finish your project without any kind of complications.

Want some guidance? Within the platform there are tutorials and tooltips, as well as live chat support.

What else can we tell you?

You’ll have to check out the platform for yourself.

Sign up for the beta here.

In the meanwhile, if you have any questions, we’re around. Hit up contact@rapidui.io freely.

