A Week in My WFH Life: Muniira Ali

Published in
2 min readApr 7, 2020

Our organisation’s sudden 100% move to working from home heeds big and sometimes surprising changes when it comes to how we work, how we live and how we stay connected. Every week you’ll hear from a new individual at RAPP. Last week, Creative Apprentice, Muniira Ali opened a window into their WFH life for us…


I wake up on the eighth day of the nationwide lockdown and began another day at work. Today, I gather pieces of work I’ve done for my apprenticeship portfolio. I’ve been volunteering at my local council, so during my lunch break I drop off medications and groceries to the elderly. It’s a nice way to stay active and help others out.


Tuesday is a bit more quiet. I carry out some training on LinkedIn Learning and continued to work on some DM pack ideas. I finish the workday off with a lonely lager and bingeing Netflix and Houseparty for the rest of the evening.


11AM Around mid-morning I have a Slack call with Sid (my manager) to go through what I’ve been working on and to get some feedback.

13:00 I take my lunch break, but also take some time to pre-marinate my tofu for dinner

14:00 I get on another Slack call with Sid, mainly just to catch up, which I really appreciate because week 3 is slightly starting to get to my remaining brain cells…


9AM I spend most of the morning drawing up scamps for a project.

14:00 I have a test Zoom call with Sid to check the quality of the recording capabilities. Later on I’m recording a vox pop for an award entry video


8AM I wake up for an early meeting with Sid…only to find my WiFi is down! I spend the better part of the day on my mobile and figuring out how one gets WiFi support during a pandemic lockdown…

