Image from The OC TV Show captioned ‘Confidence, Cohen’
Image from Google Images

How to make your users confident like Cohen

This post has nothing to do with The OC, I’m sorry.

Design Club
Published in
2 min read1 day ago


When you’re navigating an app or a website, you need to trust that you’re in the right place , be sure that you’re not putting your online safety at risk and know that you can achieve your goal.

User confidence is incredibly important to build into your designs, but how do you do it?

Tips to build user confidence:

  1. Aesthetically pleasing design: Honestly, in the age of AI, people really care about how ‘legit’ something feels and looks. Turns out that you can judge a book by it’s cover after all.
  2. Quick and personalised help and support: When you have a issue you want to feel like someone actually cares — even if it’s a bot. The longer you take to respond and the more generic the answer is, the less trust the user has in you and your website or app.
  3. Feedback loops: When a user completes an action even the simplest confirmation screen, check-mark or delightful ‘ding’ noise goes a long way to assure them that they’re on the right track.
  4. Meaningful content labels: If your buttons and pages are labelled in a way that isn’t obvious to your user they will get stuck. I’ve even seen poorly labelled drop-downs equate to customers giving up and calling instead. Make it clear and meaningful.
  5. Appeal to the user’s mental model: People are used to how websites work now. They’re familiar with concepts like search, their account, help and support pages, payments…please don’t try to re-invent the wheel. Users will lose confidence in how to navigate your site because it’s too different to their established ‘mental model’. Get creative with the fun stuff, leave the boring bits alone.

Okay, that’s it for my rant. Now to figure out how to be more confident in general…



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