Stuart Gerard Walker
Raptor Lit
Published in
1 min readJan 21, 2021

By Megan Denton Ray

Art by Stuart Gerard Walker

Start here, at the corners. Yes, body, here’s one moon-


one minnow

from each sea faithful ease of joints,

river rock and shade garden. I tried

to keep house to approach each morning

with a mouth full of yolk.

Please, oh please tilt me

limb to limb, axis slick and peeled my northeast

and southwest — yes, body

rub my hands in the ugly earth the flailing

of my toes run over by a pleasure stomp

driftwood backbone backbone


one moon-sickle, one

minnow. A joy thing — start here.

Megan Denton Ray is the author of Mustard, Milk, and Gin (Hub City Press, 2020), winner of the 2019 New Southern Voices Poetry Prize. She is the recipient of an Academy of American Poets Prize and holds an MFA from Purdue University. Her work has appeared recently or will soon in POETRY, The Sun, Salt Hill Journal, The Adroit Journal, Passages North, and elsewhere. She currently lives and teaches in Tennessee.



Stuart Gerard Walker
Raptor Lit

Queer southern writer living in Louisville, Ky. Writing about family, Louisville, and gender.