California Science Center Reaches Out to Area Divers

Michael Bear
Rapture of the Deep
2 min readJun 13, 2010

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Note: this is almost identical to the orientation meeting that three off us attended today at the California Science Center, to apply to become Volunteer Aquarium Divers:

by Paris Waddill,

More than eighty Southern California divers packed into the back room of Eco Dive Center in Culver City last Tuesday night. What was the occasion? They were invited to Eco Dive Club’s monthly meeting, featuring a presentation by Captain Chris Wade, Dive Safety Officer and Senior Collector for the California Science Center.

Captain Chris provided information on the Science Center’s new “Ecosystems” wing. Among other exhibits the wing includes a 188,000 gallon tank, containing a live kelp forest and numerous plants and animals common to the Southern California coast. Island and river zones are also exhibited, featuring active aquaria with live ecosystems. Since admission to the Science Center’s permanent exhibition galleries is free, much of the work done in collecting plants and animals, maintaining the exhibits, and delivering educational presentations to visitors is done by volunteers. For the aquarium exhibits, this means volunteer divers.

