July 10: Great Annual Fish Count: Wherever YOU Are Diving……

Michael Bear
Rapture of the Deep
1 min readJul 8, 2010

Great Annual Fish Count/REEF

The Great Annual Fish Count (GAFC) is an event coordinated by the Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF) that mobilizes and trains volunteer divers and snorkelers in established methodologies to identify and document fish diversity and population trends in marine ecosystems. This annual event takes place in the month of July, and serves to introduce and inspire recreational divers and snorkelers to: participate in REEF’s year-round Volunteer Survey Project; raise awareness among both the diving community and public-at-large regarding marine habitats and trends in fish populations; and provide researchers, marine resource managers and policy makers with this useful information that would otherwise be unavailable. See link for more information on how to organize an event in YOUR area:


