Marine Room Afternoon Dive

Michael Bear
Rapture of the Deep
2 min readOct 13, 2016
Sarcastic Fringehead in hole

Date: 10–12–16

Time In: 2:45 pm

Time Out: 3:21 pm

Max Depth: 86 ft

Min. Temp: 53 Ft (no wonder I was cold in my wet suit!)

Mix: 21%

Weather: cool, cloudy

Surf: 1–2 ft with some wind chop

Viz: not too shabby: 20 ft + in the shallows and 15 ft + further down

Currents: only a slight ‘headwind’ kicking out NW


As usual for the Marine Room in the middle of the day, there wasn’t a whole lot out, but I did see some sea hares, a Vermilion Rockfish and a Janolus barbarensis in a little cavelet. Also saw a Sarcastic Fringehead. Nice relaxing dive — it was nice to just get out before winter swells start moving in.

Sea Hare
Vermilion Rockfish


