Marine Room, La Jolla: Day of the Jelly [My First Video]

Michael Bear
Rapture of the Deep
1 min readAug 28, 2010

Date: 8–28–10

Time: 9:03 am

Dive Buddy: Julie Lorenzen

Dive Length: 33 mins

Surf: 1–2 ft, ie: negligible

Viz: not bad: 15–20 ft.

Max Depth: 124 ft.

Underwater Topography: La Jolla Canyon, South Wall

Mix: 32%

Marine Life Seen: several schools of unidentifed fish in the kelp on the bottom, Sand Dabs, a Vermilion Rockfish in a hole and several Fried Egg Jellies ( Phacellophora camtschatica) as well as some Sea Pens, Order: Pennatulacea, sp. unknown

Videos here: Julie and the Jelly, Part II [Part I is above], which I shot with a Go Pro wrist-mounted Hi Def video camera:

Julie and I waded through negligible surf this morning for a nice dive where we explored the South Wall of La Jolla Canyon, taking photographs and video of numerous Fried Egg Jellies seen along the way.

