Please Show Your Support for AB 634: Support Ship Reefing in CA

Michael Bear
Rapture of the Deep
1 min readMay 27, 2010

Sample letter:

As an avid ocean sport enthusiast and citizen concerned with ocean conservancy, I would like to express my full support for Assembly Bill AB634. This bill will enable the State and local jurisdictions to participate in the placing of these man-made reefs, beneficial to the economy and the environment, free of the liability for injuries that might occur to persons diving on these reefs. I believe that artificial reefing can provide great benefits for ocean conservancy, economic benefits for businesses providing services to ocean enthusiasts, and viable alternatives for disposal of decommissioned military or retired commercial vessels.

I support AB634 and ask you to help assure that it passes through the State Legislature.

See below for more details on where to send your letter:

