Michael Bear
Rapture of the Deep
2 min readDec 9, 2016


Wens. Night Dive at La Jolla Shores

Date: 12–7–16

Time In 7 pm

Time Out 7:43 pm

Weather: cool, cloudy

Surf: negligible 1–2 footers with no power

Current: didn’t notice one

Min. Temp: 55 F.

Viz: always tricky to estimate on night dives, but I’d say 15 ft. in the shallows and around 8–10 ft further down

Max Depth: 119 ft.

Critters: lots of Sea Hares and Pelagic crabs (some dining on each other), one octo in a hole (see pics below) and quite a few photogenic white Tube-Dwelling anemones at V-Pt.

Oh, and we got buzzed by a fairly large sea lion in the shallows, who scared the bejesus out of us (as David Hershman put it: after that, he had no bejesus left in him).

Dive buddies: David Hershman and Charles Lofton (Re-breather Man)


It was great getting out with the old Gang of 3 again, since it had been far too long. I got to christen my new Tacoma truck with plenty of salt water and dive gear. It was a nice, relaxing dive and seeing the octo coiled up in the hole was cool. Also got to meet some V-St regulars Bob Austin and Stef Flax, who ironically is preparing the embark on the same Whale Shark Internship in La Paz which I just came back from, so we exchanged notes on that.

Great dive with great dive buddies!

