Michael Bear
Rapture of the Deep
2 min readMay 19, 2016


Photo credit: California Wreck Divers: the El Rey Kelp Harvester, before being sunk as an artificial reef in 1987.

Wreck Alley Dive: the El Rey (with video)

Date: 5–18–16

Time In: 1:47

Time Out: 2:20

Weather: cool, cloudy

Viz: varied from 5–8 ft.

Dive Buddy: Chris Toth

Min. Temp: 52 F.

Surface: 2 ft. wind waves, a bit choppy with the occasional white cap


So, for a day that included two minor gear issues — one which precluded me from taking any video — it was a pretty good day out on the water.

We motored out under cool cloudy skies on the Dive Animals boat — it was a bit choppy, with the occasional white cap, but once down below, all was fairly calm.

I hadn’t dived the El Rey in a while (it has no marker buoy), but thanks to skipper Chris Toth’s expert maneuvering and skill with the GPS, we were able to drop right on it.

Critters seen:

Lots of brightly colored life out, despite the lack of available sunlight at depth: the deck was covered in brilliant reds and pinks, due to an abundance of Red Gorgonians and Strawberry Anemones covering most
available surfaces. There were also lots of Blacksmith fish, Barred Sand Bass and Senoritas. On the way up, there were a few Pelagic crabs darting about in the water column, perhaps a remanent of the recent El Nino.

Altogether, a very nice dive. If Chris posts any video or stills, I’ll try and put a link here to them.

Here is a nice video taken yesterday on the El Rey, by Chris Toth.
I make a cameo appearance at around 1:30. Notice all the Red Gorgonians and pink Strawberry Anemones on the deck.

Video by Chris Toth: https://youtu.be/da1hKuinPzM

For more info on the El Rey, see: http://www.cawreckdivers.org/wrecks/elrey.htm

