The Sticky Monkey Flower: A California Native Gem — Rare Plants Online

Joy Youell
Rare Plants
Published in
4 min readMar 22, 2024

The Sticky Monkey Flower (Mimulus species), a California native, has garnered a devoted following among garden enthusiasts and eco-conscious landscapers alike. Its resilience, drought tolerance, and long blooming season make it an ideal candidate for sustainable gardens across various climates. The classic Sticky Monkey Flower, specifically the Mimulus aurantiacus ‘Pt. Molate’, is celebrated for its unique color and shape.

The Sticky Monkey Flower (Mimulus species), a California native, has garnered a devoted following among garden enthusiasts and eco-conscious landscapers alike. Its resilience, drought tolerance, and long blooming season make it an ideal candidate for sustainable gardens across various climates. The classic Sticky Monkey Flower, specifically the Mimulus aurantiacus ‘Pt. Molate’, is celebrated for its vibrant creamy orange blossoms that decorate the landscape from spring through fall.

Understanding Mimulus: The Drought-Tolerant Wonder

Mimulus species are renowned for their exceptional drought tolerance and ability to thrive in adverse conditions. These characteristics are particularly pertinent as gardeners increasingly seek plants that require minimal water and maintenance. The ‘Pt. Molate’ variety, standing 12–24 inches tall with a slightly wider spread, is a testament to the plant’s adaptability and ornamental appeal.

The Origins of Its Unique Name

The common name, “Sticky Monkey Flower,” is derived from the plant’s sticky stems, a distinctive trait among the drought-tolerant Mimulus varieties. This sticky feature is not only a unique point of interest but also serves as a quick identifier for those looking to incorporate water-wise plants into their gardens.

Pollinator Paradise: The Ecological Benefits of Mimulus

Beyond its drought tolerance and beauty, the Sticky Monkey Flower plays a crucial role in supporting local ecosystems. Its blossoms are a magnet for a variety of pollinators, including bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies. By planting Mimulus, gardeners can contribute to the preservation of pollinator populations, which are essential for a healthy environment.

Growing Conditions and Care for Sticky Monkey Flower

While the Sticky Monkey Flower is celebrated for its low-maintenance nature, understanding its optimal growing conditions can enhance its performance and longevity in the garden. Mimulus prefers well-drained soils and can thrive in full sun to partial shade, making it versatile for different garden designs. Although drought-tolerant, occasional watering during extended dry periods can promote more vigorous growth and flowering.

Landscape Design with Mimulus: Aesthetic and Practical Applications

The Sticky Monkey Flower’s compact size and colorful blooms make it an excellent choice for various landscape applications. It can serve as a striking focal point in rock gardens, mixed borders, and native plant gardens. Its ability to adapt to challenging conditions also makes it ideal for erosion control on slopes and in wild garden settings, where it can naturalize and create vibrant swaths of color.

Companion Plants for Mimulus in the Garden

To create a cohesive and environmentally friendly garden design, consider pairing the Sticky Monkey Flower with other California natives and drought-tolerant plants. Good companions include California poppy (Eschscholzia californica), lavender (Lavandula spp.), and salvia (Salvia spp.). These combinations not only conserve water but also provide a succession of blooms and textures for year-round interest.

Propagation and Cultivation: Sharing the Sticky Monkey Flower

Propagating the Sticky Monkey Flower is a rewarding endeavor for gardeners looking to expand their plant collections or share with fellow enthusiasts. Cuttings can be taken in late summer for rooting in a moist, well-draining medium. Seeds can also be collected and sown directly into the garden in fall, allowing for natural germination with the winter rains.

Conservation and the Sticky Monkey Flower: Preserving Native Beauty

As a native plant, the Sticky Monkey Flower holds an important place in California’s botanical heritage. Its cultivation in home gardens can aid in the conservation of native flora, promoting biodiversity and resilience in local ecosystems. Gardeners are encouraged to source plants from reputable nurseries that specialize in native species, ensuring the preservation of genetic diversity.

The Sticky Monkey Flower: A Testament to Sustainable Gardening

In conclusion, the Sticky Monkey Flower exemplifies the ideals of sustainable gardening. Its drought tolerance, ecological benefits, and aesthetic appeal make it a worthy addition to any garden. By choosing Mimulus, gardeners can enjoy a beautiful landscape while supporting the environment and conserving precious water resources. Whether you’re an avid gardener or a landscape professional, the Sticky Monkey Flower is a plant that offers beauty, resilience, and a connection to the natural world.

Originally published at on March 22, 2024.



Joy Youell
Rare Plants

Joy Youell is a copywriter and content strategist for, leading in business ads, blogs and more at