A Complete Guide to Using Augmented Reality in Your App

RareDevs - Information Technology Blogs
7 min readDec 3, 2018
Use Augmented Reality in App

Mobile applications are evolving with each day, and we’re not saying this just for the sake of it. Gone are the days of relying on net-banking or website-shopping. Mobile applications have taken over the digital market quite significantly. As you know, they tend to make things easier. But only for the users. As for businessmen and app developers, they have to stay in the know of even the tiniest progress mobile application development services make every month.

One of the latest features to find a place in app development is Augmented Reality, popularly known as AR. No, it is not meant just for games and is not at the disposal of only multi billionaire companies. To everyone’s delight, any person can incorporate AR into their app at affordable costs.

The truth is that augmented reality can make your app more interactive, accurate, and luxurious for the user. Ready to learn all about it?

What is Augmented Reality?

As Wikipedia states, “Augmented Reality (AR) is used to enhance natural environments or situations and offer perceptually enriched experiences”.

In simpler terms, the addition of virtual factors to the reality that you see and feel around you is called Augmented Reality. In AR, the computer augments the real world onto a virtual screen. It incorporates senses like vision, sound, smell, and grasping power.

The combination is implemented in such a way that by including the user’s surroundings, the computer adds elements like text, directions, pictures, and graphics to it. This way, the user gets a complete picture of the reality and the information they are seeking, in a single place.

The popularity of Augmented Reality

You have probably heard of the Pokemon GO app, if not played it. It is no exaggeration to say that the game brought a revolution in the world of apps. Released in 2016, it became the most downloaded app in the very first week of its release. SurveyMonkey stated that it topped as the most active mobile game app in the US, with 21 million users.

But that’s not all there is to AR. One can say that it has seeped deep in the fabric of the digital world. According to Evening Standard, 2018 is a big year for AR. They also suggest that AR is still springing from the bud and will rule the digital market by 2021.

Just so you know, the biggies have already started investing in and developing AR, so its future is rich. Apple has launched ARKit, while Google came up with ARCore and Snapchat with its Lens Studio.

What’s even more exciting is that these frameworks are all made for the everyday online user. Thus, not only big companies, but all small businesses, social media users, and anyone on the internet now has access to the magical thing called Augmented Reality.

The day is not far when everyone will be using AR in video calling, mapping, business applications, and more. Platforms like Facebook and Google Maps amongst others will soon invite us to a virtually enhanced reality, we foresee.

Additionally, a report by Perkins Coie suggests that the gaming, education, real estate, healthcare, marketing, and live events sectors will benefit the most out of AR. Evidently, its future is wide and glorious, to say the least.

Augmented Reality Statistics

  • The market size of AR and VR combined is likely to reach the whopping US $215 Billion by 2021. With more software development, the demand for AR will rise and so will the prices.
  • Angelist reported that more than 500 start-ups have already started using AR in their business. Accordingly, the number of users to enjoy AR will rise to 1 billion by 2020.
  • Moreover, according to Statista, the revenue from AR will be thrice as high as that from VR (Virtual Reality).
  • ISACA performed a survey on AR and IoT in the US. According to it, 60 to 70 per cent of online consumers find AR beneficial. 69% of them believed that AR could be used to learn skills, whereas 62% saw shopping ease and healthcare benefits.
  • The mobile app AR market will reach a compound annual growth rate of 65% by 2022, starting 2016, research suggests.

That’s all with the facts about Augmented Reality. Now that you know the importance of the feature and its market value, check how you can use it in the best way for your app.

The core AR Fundamentals to consider when making an app

Augmented Reality is a new technology and isn’t easy to deal with. Since it is fresh in the market, developers and designers are still exploring it. This says that there is much scope for blunder if one is not careful.

We have therefore highlighted some basic principles of AR that you can accommodate in the app. Note that if you hire a mobile app developer in India, you will receive a better end-product.

1. Understand the user

To make a difference with anything you create, it has to appeal the user first. And to impress the user, it is necessary to know their likings. This applies to the incorporation of AR in your app equally.

AR has a lot to do with the intersection of the user’s reality and your virtual inputs to it. Thus, you need to understand their surroundings, how they’ll feel about the simulation, and so on.

Moreover, ask yourself this. Why and under what circumstances will the user access your app? In answer to that, you can come up with solutions which are more relevant to them.

While there are other technical augmented reality design principles that are critical, your end user is your priority. Thus, catering to this point is critical.

2. Focus on UX

User experience is the dice that can help you win the game of AR app development. In fact, UI and UX are both major services your app can take care of to fetch engagement and conversions.

A consumer won’t appreciate inconvenience while using your app. Hence, consider these questions when developing your app. Will the user have to struggle with dimensions or directions? Is your bot responsive to their voice and fingerprint? Is the app easy to navigate through? Can the user access it under all conditions?

Find questions related to the services you’re targeting through AR technology. This way, you’ll be more sensitive towards the experience you provide to the user.

3. Add contextual information

Add Contextual Information

This is one of the best uses of augmented reality you’ll come across. AR gives you the golden opportunity of adding to the user’s surroundings and how they feel about it. So, make wise use of it. By adding contextual information that changes with the surroundings and is relevant to your services, you can win the customers’ hearts.

For example, let’s say you are selling furniture through your app. The potential customer will need the exact idea of how the cabinet is going to look in their main hall or how much space the bed will take up in the kids’ room. You can make this happen with AR.

When the user navigates through their home, you can mention the dimensions of your product, tell them how exactly they’ll fit, and give them a 3D picturization of the same.

Features like these play an exceptional role in buying you customer credibility. So, try being as smart and inclusive as possible.

4. Excel in functionality

If you hire a mobile app developer in India, they will rank this feature as the most important. Functionality is the end product of UI, UX, design, and content placement.

In the case of AR, it is termed as the way your digital data appears on the user’s surroundings, how quickly it adapts to changes, and how much they can do with it.

Involvement of AR in your app may prove useless if the functionality is not superior in quality. Thus, use the best tools, advanced technology, and high-performing software when indulging in the same.

5. Be careful with the design

Be careful with the design

First of all, the design of the mobile application has to be AR-compatible. If not, the user will be troubled with glitches.

Moreover, it should be user-friendly and compatible with different devices. This ensures that the AR experience of the user remains intact, no matter the dimensions of their screen.

The design also plays a major role in speedy and smooth navigation, easy assimilation of contextual info, and the addition of virtual elements. Thus, designing the app according to AR functioning should be a top priority.

To help you with the task, you can consult about mobile app designing in India.

6. Perform real-time testing

And when all of the things said above are done, it is time to test them. By performing multiple rounds of real-time testing, you can spot any defects, glitches, or shortcomings in your app.

This final task will inform you about how speedy the response of the app is, if its features are difficult to load, and so on.

So, before you ask your customers to try it, do it first for yourself. Fool-proofing is everything.

Final Words

As we said previously, augmented reality is the future of app development. Thus, if you start using it right away, you’ll be a step ahead of your competition. So, get set to make it a highlight of your company’s app and keep users enchanted.

If you need more information on AR or app development, feel free to ask in the comments below. As a mobile apps development company, we’re always eager to help. So, reach out and we’ll quickly get back to you.

Originally published at www.raredevs.com on December 3, 2018.



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