Getting a smart contract audit in 2023: 8 helpful tips

Jeffrey Scholz
Published in
12 min readJun 26, 2023


A smart contract audit is a review by blockchain security experts to ensure that users will not lose funds due to a malfunction or security vulnerability. Furthermore, an audit tries to anticipate unexpected and undesirable smart contract behavior before the contract is deployed.

Navigating this field is tricky. There are dozens of audit firms, and getting quotes from several of them takes time, and it is hard to know if you are getting a fair price or not.

This article will help serve as a starting point for navigating the task of getting a smart contract audit.

References to auditing firms in this article should not be construed as an endorsement.

1. There is no official standard for a smart contract audit

And there probably won’t be one for the foreseeable future with how fast the industry moves.

The term “smart contract audit” is an evolution of industry lingo, it does not have a rigorous definition, and it can mean different things to different people.

For those coming from industries where ISO standards are the norm, smart contract auditing will seem like the wild west (and frankly, that would be an accurate assessment).

